
Current Grants

  1. Agile Signal Alignment for Congested and Contested Spectrum Access (NSF ECCS-2433870, 2025-2027)
  2. SII-Center: SpectrumX The National Center for Spectrum Innovation (NSF AST-2132700, 2021-2026)
  3. Blind Carbon Copy on Dirty Paper: Seamless Spectrum Underlay made Practical (NSF ECCS-2118002, 2021-2025)
  4. Leidos Inc., unrestricted gift to support wireless communications research (2024-2025)

Past Grants

  1. III: Small: A Submodular Framework for Scalable Graph Matching with Performance Guarantees (NSF IIS-1908070, 2019-2024)
  2. SII Planning: WHISPERS: Wireless Hardware Innovations and Signal Processing for Enhanced Radio-astronomy and Scientific Spectrum Sharing (NSF AST-2037838, 2020-2022)
  3. Geometric Factorization Tools for Community Mining (ARO, 2019-2022)
  4. Machine Learning Approaches for Target Spectrum Detection in Hyperspectral Images (MTEQ, 2018-2019)
  5. Collaborative Research: Multimodal Sensing and Analytics at Scale: Algorithms and Applications (NSF ECCS-1807660, 2018-2021)
  6. Identifying Potential Investors using Joint Factorization and Latent Clustering (Corning, 2017-2018)
  7. III: Medium: High-Performance Factorization Tools for Constrained and Hidden Tensor Models (NSF IIS-1704074, 2017-2023)
  8. $100,000 research gift to support Sidiropoulos' group research in 5G wireless networks and related areas (Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Shanghai China and Santa Clara, CA, 2016)
  9. Anchor-Free Correlated Topic Modeling: Identifiable Formulations and Scalable Algorithms (Digital Technology Center, University of Minnesota, Digital Technology Initiatives (DTI) grant, 2016-2017)
  10. Robust and Scalable Volume Minimization-based Matrix Factorization for Sensing and Clustering (NSF ECCS-1608961, 2016-2018)
  11. CIF: Small: Feasible Point Pursuit for Non-convex QCQPs: Algorithms and Signal Processing Applications (NSF CCF-1525194, 2015-2019)
  12. Factor Analysis for Spectral Reconnaissance and Situational Understanding (ARO STIR, 2015-2016)
  13. BIGDATA: IA: DKA: Collaborative Research: Learning Data Analytics: Providing Actionable Insights to Increase College Student Success (NSF IIS-1447788, 2014-2019)
  14. Methods for Learning Analytics (Digital Technology Center, University of Minnesota, Digital Technology Initiatives (DTI) grant, 2014-2015)
  15. Supplement for BIGDATA: Mid-Scale: DA: Collaborative Research: Big Tensor Mining: Theory, Scalable Algorithms and Applications (supplementary funding from NIH, 2013-2014)
  16. Student Stipend Program for IEEE SPAWC 2013 (ONR N00014-13-1-0277, 2013)
  17. Workshop on Big Data: From Signal Processing to Systems Engineering (NSF ECCS-1327148, 2013-2014)
  18. BIGDATA: Mid-Scale: DA: Collaborative Research: Big Tensor Mining: Theory, Scalable Algorithms and Applications (NSF IIS-1247632, 2012-2017)
  19. Spectral Tweets: A Community Paradigm for Spatio-temporal Cognitive Sensing and Access (NSF AST-1247885, 2012-2016)
  20. Wideband cognitive sensing from a few bits (NSF ECCS-1231504, 2012-2016)
  21. Sparse Latent Factor Models for Social Network Analysis and Tensor Completion (ARO STIR, 2011-2012)
  22. Tensor Completion and Preference Measurement for Distilling Recommendations from Big Data (Digital Technology Center, University of Minnesota, Digital Technology Initiatives (DTI) grant, 2012-2013)
  23. NOPTILUS: Autonomous Self-learning Complete Underwater Systems (European Commission, FP7 integrated project (IP) under ICT-6-2.1 - Cognitive Systems and Robotics, 2011-2015)
  24. THALES: Social Network-aware Cognitive Radio Networks (co-financed by the EC and Greek National funds, 2012-2014)
  25. HERAKLEITOS-II: Joint Routing and Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks using Convex Approximation Techniques (Doctoral fellowship for Ph.D. Candidate Evaggelia Matskani, co-financed by the EC and Greek National funds, 2010-2012)
  26. Factor Analysis of Social Networks (ARL-ERO (European Research Office), 2010-2012)
  27. Contributing researcher in FP6/7 projects NEWCOM, WIP, N-CRAVE, OPNEX (PI: Leandros Tassiulas)
  28. Joint Transceiver Optimization and Scheduling-Admission / Flow Control in Wireless Networks (ARL-ERO (European Research Office), 2008-2010)
  29. COOPCOM: Cooperative and Opportunistic Communications in Wireless Networks (European Commission, FP6 FET STREP project, 2006-2009)
  30. Joint Transceiver Optimization and Scheduling / Admission Control in Wireless Networks: Forging Synergies between Semidefinite Relaxation and Branch & Bound Strategies (ARL-ERO (European Research Office), 2006-2008)
  31. Transmit Beamforming for Wireless Networks (Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology / HERAKLEITOS program)
  32. Multiuser Downlink Beamforming and Scheduling for Broadband Wireless Access Beyond 3G (Greek Secretariat for Research and Technology, Division of International Collaboration in Research and Technology)
  33. U-BROAD: Ultra High Bit Rate over Copper Technologies for BROADband Multiservice Access (European Commission, FP6 IST STREP project, 2003-2005)
  34. Multiuser Transmit Beamforming for Maximum Sum Capacity in Tactical Wireless Multicast Networks (ARO-ERO (European Research Office), 2003-2006)
  35. Supplementary funding for "From Medium Access to Physical Layer: An Integrated DSP Framework for Wireless Packet Networks" (NSF Wireless IT & Networks Initiative, 2001-2003)
  36. Blind FH Source Separation and Multicode Multicarrier Random Access (Part of ARL CTA 2001 consortium)
  37. Code-Blind Receivers for FH Spread Spectrum Systems (DARPA / ATO contract MDA 972-01-0056, 2001-2005)
  38. From Medium Access to Physical Layer: An Integrated DSP Framework for Wireless Packet Networks (NSF Wireless IT & Networks Initiative NSF 99-68, 1999-2002)
  39. PARAFAC Space-Time Processing for Circular Ring Arrays (ONR Space-Time Adaptive Processing Methods for Circular Ring Arrays with Application to Navy Airborne Surveillance Radar, 1999)
  40. Bilinear Shape-Constrained Regression in Blind Source Separation / Equalization, and Signal Processing for Chromatographic Analysis (NSF CAREER, Signal Processing Systems Program, 1998-2002)
  41. Content-based compression and search of medical multimedia databases (NASA/CSHCN contract number Z64101, 1997)