Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos


Louis T. Rader Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Virginia

Office: E-310 Thornton Hall
Mail: 351 McCormick Road (USPS: PO Box 400743), Charlottesville, Virginia 22904
Phone: 434-924-3977
Email: nikos at virginia dot edu

Curriculum Vitae
Google Scholar Page
UVA Engineering Page
Scopus Page

News (Archived News)

  • New grant: Agile Signal Alignment for Congested and Contested Spectrum Access (NSF ECCS-2433870, 2025-2027).
  • Congratulations to group alumnus Xiao Fu won OSU's "Promising Scholar Award". Link to story.
  • Prof. Sidiropoulos receives UVA's Distinguished Research Award. Link to story.
  • IEEE CAMSAP 2023 Best Student Paper Award (first prize) to Paris A. Karakasis for the paper "Clustering on the Stiefel Manifold with Symmetric Block Term Decomposition", co-authored with N. D. Sidiropoulos. Link to story.